Saturday, April 21, 2012


Hello All,

Sorry I've been a little absent lately, but you see...I made a tumblr

It's mostly about what I love best about Disney with some splashes of whatever I'm currently obsessing over at the moment, like Legend of Korra, Smash, and stuff like that.

Also, the semester is almost over, so there's been a lot of homework and a lot of projects, finals to get ready for, and my shows are closing up, not to mention the literally CONSTANT search for an internship that won't completely waste my time this summer.

Another thing consuming my brain-space is the thought of what I'll be doing next semester in terms of working at school with the Emerson Channel. 
My friend Tara and I have pitched a show and we don't know if it's getting picked up or not and it's been like two weeks since we've heard anything, but we keep hearing rumors that we're not sure we can trust but how freaking AWESOME would it be to produce our own show?!?
Also, even though I've been on the show since forever, I always get nervous at the end of a semester about my status on Good Morning Emerson. I love this show and would literally sell my soul to the devil to keep working on it, and I always pray that the new producers won't be like "well, we should give someone ELSE a chance to work on this show," so there's that stress. I eventually want to senior produce the show with Tara, but right now I'm still figuring out what that might entail, so I'm working on just taking on more responsibilities and learning more about all of the different positions and stuff.
Which brings me to... figuring out what I want to do for OTHER shows next year.
I am 1000% positive that I never ever EVER want to segment produce again, because it is the most annoying job in the world and I have so much respect for people who do it over and over again.
I really want to get into technical directing, which can be super difficult because you work with this:




I know a lot of people really respect a good TD, so I'd like to be one of those. Or a good director, but idk if I have the attention-span for that kind of work. 

So yes, I hope to be getting back to blogging very quickly, now that things are winding down.

Thanks for reading,
Amy Liz


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