Monday, August 27, 2012

Work is Paying Off: Music

Hey All,

So today was the shooting of the first episode of the show my TV partner, Tara, and I have been working on for too long now (like 4 months -way longer than 5 episodes should take).

But yeah, we had singer-songwriter Caitlin Timmins on the show this morning, and she's amazing, everyone should check her out on Youtube and iTunes. It was incredible seeing everything we've been working for so long for come together into this beautiful video, so everyone should check it out:
Fast Forward Rewind Music, episode 1

Tuesday's show is going to be great, too, because we have two members from Me vs Gravity on the show, lead singer Zach Nelson and drummer Ben Meyers. They are amazing, they've been on Good Morning Emerson before, but we love them so much that we couldn't resist having them on again for Fast Forward Rewind. Check out their songs here and here.

Here's the link to the episode!

On Wednesday we had pop-rock singer Melanie Lynx in the studios to perform for the Fast Forward Rewind Music Series, and she sang her original songs "First Love" and "Impossible to Leave." She sang them acoustically with her guitarist Anthony playing, and we loved having her in today.

She was so sweet and excited to sing, and the whole studio crew has been singing her songs all day -they're that catchy!
Take a look!

That's it for now, I'll keep updating as the week goes on.
Thanks for reading,
Amy Liz

Sunday, August 26, 2012

I'm Setting Some Goals for Myself for this Semester

Hey All,

Again, it's been too long since I've been back here and updating on a regular basis. I'd like to have a good reason, like I'm too busy co-producing a web show for the freshmen at my school, or preparing to move into a new apartment. But in all honesty, I've had plenty of time to go on the Internet and goof around of Facebook and Tumblr, so I have no excuse for not showing up here other than being lazy.

Well I want that to change. This year I'm going to set some goals and goddammit I plan on meeting them by New Years.

1. All A's in my classes this semester.
2. Produce the best 4 episodes of The Lowdown that Emerson can handle!
3. Production position on Good Morning Emerson.
4. 50-100 pages of "The Weaver Journals" completed.
6. Make this (or something very similar):
I mean, I work in a costume shop and stock room, I should be able to figure out how to make one of these, right?

Because it will be a cold day in Hell when I pay $160 for a fleece jacket that probably doesn't even keep me warm. Screw that, I'll make it myself (with a little help from my friends and bosses).

(For those of you rich enough to dole out the cash for one of these:

OK, so six things may not seem like much, but it's gonna be hard to do, I can already tell. Classes haven't even started yet and I'm already feeling overwhelmed with all that I still have to learn about producing (not to mention actually paying attention and retaining whatever's being said in my classes).

It's going to be tough, and I'll probably be missing out on some sleep most weeks (aka don't call me on the weekends, because I will be dead in my bed) because it's now about a 40 minute ride to school four days a week.

But the only way I can make things happen is if I set my bar and run for it.

That's all I wanted to say today.
Sorry I've been away for so long.

Thanks for reading,
Amy Liz