Tuesday, March 27, 2012

10 Reasons to Read The Iron Fey

Hello All,

So clearly I failed at my drawing challenge (saddest day ever), but it was because I was just so distracted all during February...and March! Mostly with homework and midterms, but I have also been completely wrapped up in this new-to-me book series called The Iron Fey, by Julie Kagawa.
If you haven't heard about The Iron Fey, or if you have and you, like me one month ago, don't think you like books about faeries, you need to take a look at my list of 10 reasons why you should read this series, or at least give the first book, The Iron King, a fair and unbiased shot.

Reason #1: A Strong, Relatable Heroine
Meagan Chase is the main character in this series. At first she seems like any other ordinary teenager, unpopular, totally in love with the hot-shot jock, and a goofy best friend by her side...until her little brother is stolen from their home and Meagan starts seeing crazy magical creatures all over the place. Suddenly Meagan's world is turned upside-down as her best friend turns out to be the most infamous trickster faery in the world and her search for her brother takes her into the beautiful and dangerous world of the Nevernever, the feary world, too dangerous for mortals.
DeviantArt user: http://skellingt0n.deviantart.com/art/Iron-Fey-196138057
Meagan is an awesome heroine because she has no idea what the heck she's doing, and that fact is completely believable to the readers. It's also great to find a girl who is so determined to reach her goal that she's willing to do anything, even if that means traveling to a poisonous world where no one can protect her! Meagan is clumsy, strong, full of love and passion, and totally and completely believable.

Reason #2: Comedy
These books are hilarious. That's not to say that there isn't a lot of action and drama happening, but the tension is often broken up to let the reader breathe during these high intensity moments -like right in the middle of a life-or-death battle!
Most of this comedy is brought on by Meagan's best friend, Robin Goodfellow, aka Puck from "A Midsummer Night's Dream" aka the most awesome MoFo ever. He has some of the best one-liners in these books, tossed out so non-chalantly in the middle of a serious moment that you HAVE to laugh out loud...even if you're in the middle of your Psychology class -oops!

Reason #3: Grimalkin
The coolest cat you will ever read about in your life. A mix between the Cheshire Cat and (am I crazy?) Professor Snape, he is wise and more than a little blunt. He is an essential character to each book's story arc, because without this feline, Meagan and crew would be stuck chasing their tails, so to speak, never getting anything done. He has a nasty tendency of disappearing at the slightest hint of danger and not returning for some time, but he really does know everything, and grows a reluctant fondness for the heroes of these stories -but he'll never admit to it.

Reason #4: Literary Antagonists
We've all read Shakespeare, some more eagerly than others, so readers should recognize King Oberon, Queen Tatiana, and Queen Mab of the Feary Courts in the Iron Fey series. Mab, mentioned in "Romeo and Juliet," is the cold ice queen of the Unseelie court, the icy, heartless and cruel fey who are constantly at war with the Summer court, where King Oberon and Tatiana from "A Midsummer Night's Dream" rule the Seelie fey, who are equally cruel, but take great and obvious pleasure in tricking and riddling their prey. The two Queens are definitely not Meagan's allies throughout these books, for a multitude of reasons, and Oberon isn't always on her side, either, but he's more "lenient" -if that's what you want to call it -with her than the others. It's really cool to see these characters and their larger-than-life personalities brought to light out of their original stories, especially when Kagawa alludes to their well-known histories in Shakespeare's works.

Reason #5: A Real Sense of Danger
I won't reveal any major plot points here, but just know that all of your soon-to-be-favorite characters are going to be in serious, life-threatening danger in these books. And each book raises the stakes of that danger just a bit more, bringing more tension and urgency to each chapter. Come prepared with a box of tissues and an oxygen tank, for when you start hyperventilating.

Reason #6: A Menagerie of New Magical Creatures
If I tried to name all of the faery creatures in these books, I think this post would be as long as its own novel. Basically every faery-related creature you've ever heard of makes at least a basic appearance in one of these stories. Some of these things include giants, trolls, goblins, wood nymphs, satyrs, unicorns, sirens, kelpies, redcaps, and even The Big Bad Wolf -that's right, THAT one. These creatures are all characters in themselves and often move the plot along or turn it around in a new direction. Otherwise they paint a very colorful backdrop to this already technicolor story.

Reason #7: The Hot Guy
'nuf said.
Once you read the books, you'll understand. Strong, beautiful, hiding a dark and brooding past -love him. You'll have no choice.
(Team Ash)

Reason #8: The Forbidden Relationship
Meagan's a human, Ash is an Unseelie prince. All the rules of nature and the Nevernerver say it's impossible for them to be together. What better reason to try it? Love, duh. I love these two together, and screw everyone and anyone who tries to tear them apart! I died a little inside every time Ash had to push his feelings for Meagan away and pretend like it didn't matter! (But not in a Twilight-y way, more like a more intense and they-will-actually-kill-us-if-we-do-this kind of way).
Thank Goodness for The Iron Knight. It restored all of my faith in princely heroes, long nearly unattainable quests, and the possibility for happily ever afters -not that they belong in every story, of course.

Reason #9: The New Enemy
Everyone who reads faery folklore knows that the fey can't stand the touch of iron. Well what could possibly be more dangerous to a world of fey than an enemy made completely out of iron and as powerful as the imagination can dream? No one has ever thought to create this kind of bad guy, and it puts a very interesting twist into the storyline of these books. It makes winning for the good guys ten times as difficult as it would have been, and it puts an extra edge of tension to every encounter with the antagonists.
A brilliant idea for a new twist to the folktales.

Reason #10: A Fun and Easy Read
I hate it when teachers try to make you read books, because those literary fiction novels are so hard to read through with a looming deadline. For those kind of books, you need to be in a specific state of mind and have oodles of time to slowly absorb the atmosphere that the literary fiction is building. I have a short attention-span, and I don't have time to wait for that atmosphere to build.
That's why I like YA so much. It lays out an entertaining story very simply, so you can get lost in the story, not the words.
You will get lost in the Iron Fey. There's no question about it -the descriptions are too vivid and the characters are too lifelike for a reader to remain firmly planted in the real world. The action of the story takes you away from your reading room and into the Summer Court, or the through the halls of the icy palace of Tir Na Nog. There is no escape -once you're in, you'll Never -never! -come back out.
And you won't want to, either.

Thanks for reading,
Amy Liz

pictures courtesy of: 
DeviantArt user: http://skellingt0n.deviantart.com/art/Iron-Fey-196138057

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Days 11 and 12 Drawing Challenge

Hello All,

So, I pretty much failed at my Drawing Challenge, as you can see in my utter lack of producing new pictures every day. But I will be completing the challenge (obviously out of the time limit) hopefully over the next month.

So here is Day Eleven of the Challenge:
A Turning Point in my Life.

The turning point that I used for my life is my admission into Emerson College.
I have learned a lot in my short time at Emerson, and I hope to continue learning in the time I have left.
I don't know how to convey exactly what I've learned, other than the vague idea of 'how to be an adult.'
But obviously I'm still in school, and I'm clearly not enough of an adult to be financially stable on my own, or to know how to rent an apartment without my parent's help, or all of those other things that parents just apparently know how to do, like taxes, and ...stuff.

I know that college seems like a cliche to use as a turning point, but that's because it really is a huge change in a person's life. It takes the familiar atmosphere of learning in a classroom/controlled environment, but it also takes the next level of learning by placing a person in a new city/state and living with people they have never met and they are expected to thrive by taking care of themselves. It's a huge difference between living with their parents taking care of them and being out on their own.

Day 12: Most Recent Accomplishment

My most recent accomplishment is my new position on Good Morning Emerson, Production Supervisor! I'm so happy to be learning more in producing and learning more about this wonderful and fabulous show. I've worked on GME since my very first semester at Emerson. I started out as a lowly little teleprompter, and I worked my way up to a year of associate producing, which was taken over by my brilliant friend, Tara, this semester, who is just so amazing and smart and knows how to do, I'm pretty sure, EVERYTHING that's involved in television.
My job this semester includes building "the rundown" for each episode. A rundown is a second-by-second outline of the entire show, and it changes for every episode, depending on what the hosts and correspondents are talking about and which videos they decide to use during the episode, and which guests we have on the show, too. If the rundown is built just right, we get a show that looks like this!

Don't forget to press PLAY!

So that's all I've got to give today, and I'm so sorry I haven't been updating regularly.
I'll work on that.

That's all for now.
Thanks for reading,
Amy Liz