That's right, I'm not dead! Happy Day!
Actually, that's scarily accurate, due to the jerk who thought it was a great idea to place a bunch of bombs around Boston during the Boston Marathon this Patriot's Day.
Not. Smart.
I want to take a moment to send a prayer to all the victims of today's bombing, and the families of everyone effected by this tragedy.
I'd also like to take a moment to repost a friend of mine's words about today, because I think they are right to the point and unintentionally beautiful and touching.
"Today I witnessed for the first time something so horrible that I didn't know what to say. I dont understand how human beings think it's acceptable to take the lives of others, and I may never understand this. However, in times like these - I think its best to focus on the positives. The runners who kept running after a 24 mile run to the nearest hospitals to give blood to the victims, or the countless servicemen who gave their time and lives to keep us safe. These are the people that I will be thinking about tomorrow, not the assholes that don't deserve my thoughts or care. Instead of giving these people the attention and media coverage they want, i will choose to focus on the positive people that give back to this great country, and the people that sadly have to suffer and have lost loved ones in this tragedy. Overall though, its incredible to see such good come out of people, even after something so bad occurred. It proves who we are as a country, and I refuse to let the handful of bad overweigh the good that I can clearly see shining though. Even after all the crying and craziness i observed today, its refreshing to know these people are still there. I will continue to pray for all the victims of this malicious attack, and the family members that have injured or scared loved ones. Thank you to all the friends and family who reached out today just to make sure i was okay - if nothing else today, i really felt the love around me, and it hasn't went unnoticed. I continually pray for Boston, and for the city that I know will always be here, through the good and bad."
Now, on to some more cheerful topics:
This summer my life is still sort of up in the air, which kinda sucks on this end because I'd really like to know that I have some way to make money or far I just have a "great" way to spend two of my weeknights -in class!
But I have intel from a reliable source that it's an easy A, and it fills one of those elusive requirements I need for graduation in the Spring, so YAY!
Seriously, if you have nothing else to do on a beautiful Friday night in May, long onto The EVVY Awards site, or The Emerson Channel to watch the live stream of the show. It's going to be a great night of comedy with a TON of alumni coming in to be funny and stuffz...and three live sketches by the coolest comedy troupes on campus.
We've spent all year working on it, so how about just taking 2-3 hours out of your year and looking it up, huh?
On to my projects that I'm currently working on;
I have three main projects that I'd really like to see move forward, but every time I start putting a lot of energy and research into one, I start to doubt myself and wonder if anyone else besides me would want to read this. Ultimately I write to entertain myself, but I'd really like to entertain others with my work, too, so to make something that no one else liked would hurt my heart.
So here are my three project proposals. If there's anyone out there actually reading this, I'd really appreciate some feedback about what you think you'd like to read the most.
The Weaver Journals
After an invasion by a nearby country, the Valley's soothsayer sends Phyre on a journey to find three other Weavers, water, earth and air. She is to gather all of the elements together and fight back the forces that are destroying the Earth -whatever that means. Phyre doesn't get all of the details before she and her best friend/lady-in-waiting, Gloriana, are forced from their home and set on a journey to find the impossible -other weavers.
Then Phyre will have to figure out exactly what they're supposed to do in this dying, polluted world of theirs.
Libby Mackmoore Stories
Libby Machmoore was just a normal girl going to college for journalism -until the accident that kept her locked in a hospital, trying to learn what was wrong with her blood. When she is finally released, Libby finds that she has been given financial support and automatic acceptance to to the Westmill State College in Westmill, Connecticut, where she immediately packs up and goes. Living in a house by the shore with four other students, Libby begins to forget that the doctors thought she was different.
Turns out they think she should be a witch?
Phoebe Caswell Stories
Then everything changes on her eighteenth birthday.
Wings, dark as night, spring from her back and her friend David is telling her that there are more than humans walking this earth, and plenty of people looking to eliminate those creatures, as well. Now Phoebe knows why she is being attacked, but how can she stop the murders that are still happening in town? Is a friend the killer? Will she have to work with an enemy to take them out?
So yeah, I'd really appreciate some help figuring out which project I should focus my energies on, so any feedback would be lovely.
I think that's it for now,
Thanks for reading,
Amy Liz