Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Trying to Forget That I Have Finals to be Working On....

Hello All,

I don't want to do my projects and study for my finals today, so I'll make a new blog post -YAY!
So let's plot out some things for me to write about so I don't have to run out of steam too early and go back to finishing my "Religion in Eastern Cultures Take-Home Test."
Today I'll talk about a bunch of things that distract me from getting my work done during the day:
1. Pokemon
2. My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic (shut up, I know I'm a geek, get over it)
3. Facebook (but we've talked about this before, I think)
4. Tattoos
5. TV shows I need to catch up on
6. Online Shopping
7. StumbleUpon (I'm pretty sure we've talked about this, too, but oh well!)

Dammit, I even got distracted from writing this blog. I just found out that my favorite Google+ game that's not working right now is on Facebook -with less time to wait for your next round. So I was playing that for about, oh twenty minutes or so. NBD.

So Pokemon.
I found out earlier this semester that you can Google search "play pokemon online" and do just that! I've been playing Pokemon Yellow and Crystal and reliving my childhood for quite a few weeks now, and it's actually quite time consuming. Maybe that's why I wasn't cool in middle school...
So there's Pokemon. Very distracting. Very time consuming. Very worth it.

Oh goodness, this next one is both very difficult and yet very easy to explain.
My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic.
It's just so wonderful, and adorable. Both a blast from the past, and a look at contemporary television (plus like a thousand pop culture references slipped in!). There is always a lesson learned and the good possibility of a not-so-annoying song. Plus, the ponies are actually kind of smart, with "real world" problems and not super silly and ridiculous things. Well I mean, it's still a kids' show...about talking colorful ponies.
Anyway, the characters are well-developed and the story is never trite or repetitive. Just watch it, and you will understand my obsession with The Ponies.

Also, Pinkie Pie is my favorite pony, and she sings the very first song of the season.
...and there goes another 20 minutes to watching that first episode all over again...
(Also, if I could be any pony, I'd want to be a Faust version of a Flutter pony, from the original My Little Pony series)

What isn't distracting about FB? It has games, it has everyone you've ever known your entire life, it has messages and chat, and now it has skype video chat, and that dumb Tickr thing that lets you know what everyone is doing THAT INSTANT. Even if you don't care.
Like right now, I'm still talking to my friend FB Chat, and I'm writing this, and talking to my suitemate. It's a mutlitasker's paradise. You can check out your current boyfriend's past girlfriends, spy on how your ex is dealing with the loss of you, and update your own status to show how much you've gotten over him!

This might seem totally random, but it's not, I promise. My suitemates just got tattoos today, and I went along with them for moral support. We didn't have an appointment, so we had to wait a while, and I got a good look at the facilities and the different kinds of tattoos people can get. The whole day (it was a good chunk of time that I wasn't at my desk doing my finals work, so this counts as a distraction) got me thinking that, if I were to get a tattoo, what would it be? Where would I put it? What would it mean to me? Because both of my suitemates' tattoos had really personal meanings for them, and the only thing I could really think of that would be important to me would be a Shamrock, for my Irish-ness and for my VERY Irish grandpa, but all of my cousins have that, and I'm "the rebel" of the family (yeah, okay, me a rebel :P) so I don't want the same thing as all of them.
I finally decided that if I was going to get a tattoo (I don't know if I ever will, because I don't know if I'll ever be prepared to cope with the fact that it's FOREVER) then I would get something like this:
I wouldn't get it very big, and it would be in a place that I could easily hide it, like on my inner upper arm, or on my shoulder blade.
I want the feather for a few reasons. I really like the way these look, first of all (these were done by George Motta, one of the apprentices at Stingray Creations in Boston, MA, and my suitemates' tattoos were done by Chris DeBarge -super nice, and he really makes you feel relaxed, especially if it's your first time. He was really chill and I would recommend him, because my friends' tattoos came out beautifully).
I like the way that feathers can be really soft, but they can belong to something totally badass like a falcon, or an eagle. Maybe it's a stretch, but I like to think of myself like that -everyone tells me I look sweet and innocent, and then I bust out my super sarcasm and dark humor, and they're like "ummm, wtf just happened?" (where's my sweet little girl gone?) 
heh heh, Black Swan reference ^^^
Also, I like to think in great big metaphors, so a feather or two could be like a talent, and I'm not really fantastically amazing at any one specific thing except writing (well, I've been told I'm a good writer, but we'll see what the rejection letters say lol). Mostly I'm just mediocre at most things, not bad but not really great at it, either. It would take a lot of feathers to make a wing, so I like to think that, if talents were feathers and I only had one special talent, then I could never have a wing and start to fly with it, but because I have a bunch of mini talents, like knitting, rollerblading, and drawing, then I can gather all of those small feathers together and make a wing and "fly." It's really corny, and it sounds a lot better in my head (hmm, maybe I'm not so good at this "writing" thing), but it makes sense to me.
Also, I hate birds. So getting a feather would mean that I wouldn't have to get a bird for the metaphor of flying/success.
Feathers are cool, too.

TV Shows I Need to Catch-Up on
I'm not really that big into cable shows, but this season a few new shows have premiered that I really wanted to get involved in. I'm finally all caught up with ABC's new show "Once Upon a Time" which is pretty cool, but as far as modern society meets fairytales, I will always prefer NBC's "The Tenth Kingdom." I also just finished watching the newest episode of The CW's "The Secret Circle," which is actually really different from the books, but it's still really good, and it's at a really tense and awesome part right now, so I'm very excited for the season to start back up again in January. I'm also a little miffed, though, because all of the shows this year started their seasons late, so I'm wondering if they're going to have less episodes in the season, in which case I will be very upset because that means Hollywood is getting lazy, and I know there are plenty of television writers that would be more than happy to write a full 26 episode season for a show they really cared about.

There's also a new show called "Grimm" which I plan to look into once finals are over, but I have no clue what that's about except, I'm sure, a vague theme of the Grimm fairytales. So I guess this is fairytale season for television this year.

Online Shopping
I spend way too much money now that I have my own credit card, and that's just not cool. WAY too much, and it's all stuff I like but don't really need, you know what I'm saying? But I get a discount, or at least that's how I console myself, and with the fact that I would have gotten it, anyway.

The ever wonderful StumbleUpon. I can always count on you to keep me from doing what I should be doing.
Confessions of a Disney Employee
100 Greatest Movie Insults
4 Chord Song

Well, now I actually really should be getting back to my test, because it's due in 10 hours, so...
Thanks for reading,
Amy Liz

I think I'm going to change the title of the blog. Just so you know.

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